ALContext() | |
ALOrientation | Represents an orientation, consisting of an "at" vector (representing the "forward" direction), and the "up" vector (representing "up" for the subject) |
ALPoint | Represents a 3-dimensional point for certain ObjectAL properties |
ALSoundSourcePool(Private) | Private interface to SoundSourcePool |
ALVector | Represents a 3-dimensional vector for certain ObjectAL properties |
ALWrapper(Private) | Private interface to ALWrapper |
<AVAudioPlayerDelegate> | |
OALAudioTrack | Plays an audio track via AVAudioPlayer |
NSMutableArray(WeakReferences) | Adds to NSMutableArray the ability to create an array that keeps weak references |
NSMutableDictionary(WeakReferences) | |
NSObject | |
ALBuffer | A buffer for audio data that will be played via a SoundSource |
ALCaptureDevice | UNIMPLEMENTED FOR IOS An OpenAL device for capturing sound data |
ALChannelSource | A Sound source composed of other sources |
ALContext | A context encompasses a single listener and a series of sources |
ALDevice | A device is a logical mapping to an audio device through the OpenAL implementation |
ALListener | The listener represents the user who is listening to sounds in 3D space |
ALSoundSourcePool | A pool of sound sources, which can be fetched based on availability |
ALSource | A source represents an object that emits sound which can be heard by a listener |
ALWrapper | A thin wrapper around the C OpenAL API, with a few convenience methods thrown in |
IOSVersion | Reports the version of iOS being run on the current device |
OALAction | Represents an action that can be performed on an object |
OALCallAction | Calls a selector on a target |
OALConcurrentActions | A set of actions that get run concurrently |
OALEaseAction | Applies an easing function to another action |
OALMoveByAction | Moves the target from its current position by the specified delta over time in 3D space |
OALMoveToAction | Moves the target from its current position to the specified position over time in 3D space |
OALPlaceAction | Places the target at the specified position |
OALPropertyAction | |
OALSequentialActions | A set of actions that get run in sequence |
OALTargetedAction | Ignores whatever target it was invoked upon and applies the specified action on the target specified at creation time |
OALActionManager | Manages all ObjectAL actions |
OALAudioFile | Maintains an open audio file and allows loading data from that file into new ALBuffer objects |
OALAudioSession | Handles the audio session and interrupts |
OALAudioTrack | Plays an audio track via AVAudioPlayer |
OALAudioTracks | Keeps track of all AudioTrack objects |
OALSimpleAudio | A simpler interface to the ObjectAL sound library |
OALSuspendHandler | Provides two controls (interrupted and manuallySuspended) for suspending a slave object, and also propagates such control messages to interested listeners |
OALTools | Miscellaneous tools used by ObjectAL |
OpenALManager | Manager class for OpenAL objects (ObjectAL) |
<NSObject> | |
<ALSoundSource> | Manages all properties relating to an OpenAL sound source |
ALChannelSource | A Sound source composed of other sources |
ALSource | A source represents an object that emits sound which can be heard by a listener |
OALEaseAction() | |
OALPropertyAction() | |
OALPropertyAction(Audio) | |
<OALSuspendListener> | Allows an object to participate in interrupt and suspend operations |
<OALSuspendManager> | A suspend manager is a listener that also allows other objects to subscribe to receive events as the manager receives them |
ALContext | A context encompasses a single listener and a series of sources |
ALDevice | A device is a logical mapping to an audio device through the OpenAL implementation |
ALListener | The listener represents the user who is listening to sounds in 3D space |
ALSource | A source represents an object that emits sound which can be heard by a listener |
OALAudioSession | Handles the audio session and interrupts |
OALAudioTrack | Plays an audio track via AVAudioPlayer |
OALAudioTracks | Keeps track of all AudioTrack objects |
OpenALManager | Manager class for OpenAL objects (ObjectAL) |