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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
oCALBufferA buffer for audio data that will be played via a SoundSource
oCALCaptureDeviceUNIMPLEMENTED FOR IOS An OpenAL device for capturing sound data
oCALChannelSourceA Sound source composed of other sources
oCALContextA context encompasses a single listener and a series of sources
oCALDeviceA device is a logical mapping to an audio device through the OpenAL implementation
oCALListenerThe listener represents the user who is listening to sounds in 3D space
oCALOrientationRepresents an orientation, consisting of an "at" vector (representing the "forward" direction), and the "up" vector (representing "up" for the subject)
oCALPointRepresents a 3-dimensional point for certain ObjectAL properties
oC<ALSoundSource>Manages all properties relating to an OpenAL sound source
oCALSoundSourcePoolA pool of sound sources, which can be fetched based on availability
oCALSoundSourcePool(Private)Private interface to SoundSourcePool
oCALSourceA source represents an object that emits sound which can be heard by a listener
oCALVectorRepresents a 3-dimensional vector for certain ObjectAL properties
oCALWrapperA thin wrapper around the C OpenAL API, with a few convenience methods thrown in
oCALWrapper(Private)Private interface to ALWrapper
oCIOSVersionReports the version of iOS being run on the current device
oCNSMutableArray(WeakReferences)Adds to NSMutableArray the ability to create an array that keeps weak references
oCOALActionRepresents an action that can be performed on an object
oCOALActionManagerManages all ObjectAL actions
oCOALAudioFileMaintains an open audio file and allows loading data from that file into new ALBuffer objects
oCOALAudioSessionHandles the audio session and interrupts
oCOALAudioTrackPlays an audio track via AVAudioPlayer
oCOALAudioTracksKeeps track of all AudioTrack objects
oCOALCallActionCalls a selector on a target
oCOALConcurrentActionsA set of actions that get run concurrently
oCOALEaseActionApplies an easing function to another action
oCOALMoveByActionMoves the target from its current position by the specified delta over time in 3D space
oCOALMoveToActionMoves the target from its current position to the specified position over time in 3D space
oCOALPlaceActionPlaces the target at the specified position
oCOALSequentialActionsA set of actions that get run in sequence
oCOALSimpleAudioA simpler interface to the ObjectAL sound library
oCOALSuspendHandlerProvides two controls (interrupted and manuallySuspended) for suspending a slave object, and also propagates such control messages to interested listeners
oC<OALSuspendListener>Allows an object to participate in interrupt and suspend operations
oC<OALSuspendManager>A suspend manager is a listener that also allows other objects to subscribe to receive events as the manager receives them
oCOALTargetedActionIgnores whatever target it was invoked upon and applies the specified action on the target specified at creation time
oCOALToolsMiscellaneous tools used by ObjectAL
\COpenALManagerManager class for OpenAL objects (ObjectAL)