A context encompasses a single listener and a series of sources. More...
#import <ALContext.h>
Instance Methods | |
(id) | - initOnDevice:outputFrequency:refreshIntervals:synchronousContext:monoSources:stereoSources: |
Initialize this context on the specified device with attributes. More... | |
(id) | - initOnDevice:attributes: |
Initialize this context for the specified device and attributes. More... | |
(void) | - process |
Process this context. More... | |
(void) | - stopAllSounds |
Stop all sound sources in this context. More... | |
(void) | - clearBuffers |
Clear all buffers being used by sources in this context. More... | |
(void) | - ensureContextIsCurrent |
Make sure this context is the current context. More... | |
(bool) | - isExtensionPresent: |
Check if the specified extension is present in this context. More... | |
(void *) | - getProcAddress: |
Get the address of the specified procedure (C function address). More... | |
![]() | |
(void) | - addSuspendListener: |
Add a listener that will receive manual suspend and interrupt events. More... | |
(void) | - removeSuspendListener: |
Remove a registered listener. More... | |
Class Methods | |
(id) | + contextOnDevice:attributes: |
Create a new context on the specified device. More... | |
(id) | + contextOnDevice:outputFrequency:refreshIntervals:synchronousContext:monoSources:stereoSources: |
Create a new context on the specified device with attributes. More... | |
Protected Attributes | |
NSMutableArray * | sources |
All sound sources associated with this context. More... | |
bool | suspended |
NSMutableArray * | attributes |
This context's attributes. More... | |
OALSuspendHandler * | suspendHandler |
Handles suspending and interrupting for this object. More... | |
Properties | |
NSString * | alVersion |
OpenAL version string in format “[spec major number]. More... | |
NSArray * | attributes |
The current context's attribute list. More... | |
ALCcontext * | context |
The OpenAL context pointer. More... | |
ALDevice * | device |
The device this context was opened on. More... | |
ALenum | distanceModel |
The current distance model. More... | |
float | dopplerFactor |
Exaggeration factor for Doppler effect. More... | |
NSArray * | extensions |
List of available extensions (NSString*). More... | |
ALListener * | listener |
This context's listener. More... | |
NSString * | renderer |
Information about the specific renderer. More... | |
NSArray * | sources |
All sources associated with this context (ALSource*). More... | |
float | speedOfSound |
Speed of sound in same units as velocities. More... | |
NSString * | vendor |
Name of the vendor. More... | |
![]() | |
bool | suspended |
If YES, this object is suspended. More... | |
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bool | manuallySuspended |
Set to YES to manually suspend. More... | |
bool | interrupted |
If YES, this object is interrupted. More... | |
A context encompasses a single listener and a series of sources.
A context is created from a device, and many contexts may be created (though multiple contexts would be unusual in an iOS app).
Note: Some property values are only valid if this context is the current context.
- (void) clearBuffers |
Clear all buffers being used by sources in this context.
+ (id) contextOnDevice: | (ALDevice *) | device | |
attributes: | (NSArray*) | attributes | |
Create a new context on the specified device.
device | The device to open the context on. |
attributes | An array of NSNumber in ordered pairs (attribute id followed by integer value). Posible attributes: ALC_FREQUENCY, ALC_REFRESH, ALC_SYNC, ALC_MONO_SOURCES, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES |
+ (id) contextOnDevice: | (ALDevice*) | device | |
outputFrequency: | (int) | outputFrequency | |
refreshIntervals: | (int) | refreshIntervals | |
synchronousContext: | (bool) | synchronousContext | |
monoSources: | (int) | monoSources | |
stereoSources: | (int) | stereoSources | |
Create a new context on the specified device with attributes.
device | The device to open the context on. |
outputFrequency | The frequency to mix all sources to before outputting (ignored by iOS). |
refreshIntervals | The number of passes per second used to mix the audio sources. For games this can be 5-15. For audio intensive apps, it should be higher (ignored by iOS). |
synchronousContext | If true, this context runs on the main thread and depends on you calling alcUpdateContext (ignored by iOS). |
monoSources | A hint indicating how many sources should support mono (default 28 on iOS). |
stereoSources | A hint indicating how many sources should support stereo (default 4 on iOS). |
- (void) ensureContextIsCurrent |
Make sure this context is the current context.
This method is used to work around iOS 4.0 and 4.2 bugs that could cause the context to be lost.
- (void *) getProcAddress: | (NSString*) | functionName |
Get the address of the specified procedure (C function address).
Only valid when this is the current context.
Note: The OpenAL implementation is free to return a pointer even if it is not valid for this context. Always call isExtensionPresent first.
functionName | the name of the procedure to get. |
- (id) initOnDevice: | (ALDevice *) | device | |
attributes: | (NSArray*) | attributes | |
Initialize this context for the specified device and attributes.
device | The device to open the context on. |
attributes | An array of NSNumber in ordered pairs (attribute id followed by integer value). Posible attributes: ALC_FREQUENCY, ALC_REFRESH, ALC_SYNC, ALC_MONO_SOURCES, ALC_STEREO_SOURCES |
- (id) initOnDevice: | (ALDevice*) | device | |
outputFrequency: | (int) | outputFrequency | |
refreshIntervals: | (int) | refreshIntervals | |
synchronousContext: | (bool) | synchronousContext | |
monoSources: | (int) | monoSources | |
stereoSources: | (int) | stereoSources | |
Initialize this context on the specified device with attributes.
device | The device to open the context on. |
outputFrequency | The frequency to mix all sources to before outputting (ignored by iOS). |
refreshIntervals | The number of passes per second used to mix the audio sources. For games this can be 5-15. For audio intensive apps, it should be higher (ignored by iOS). |
synchronousContext | If true, this context runs on the main thread and depends on you calling alcUpdateContext (ignored by iOS). |
monoSources | A hint indicating how many sources should support mono (default 28 on iOS). |
stereoSources | A hint indicating how many sources should support stereo (default 4 on iOS). |
- (bool) isExtensionPresent: | (NSString*) | name |
Check if the specified extension is present in this context.
Only valid when this is the current context.
name | The name of the extension to check. |
- (void) process |
Process this context.
- (void) stopAllSounds |
Stop all sound sources in this context.
protected |
This context's attributes.
protected |
All sound sources associated with this context.
protected |
Handles suspending and interrupting for this object.
readnonatomicretain |
OpenAL version string in format “[spec major number].
[spec minor number] [optional vendor version information]” Only valid when this is the current context.
readnonatomicretain |
The current context's attribute list.
Only valid when this is the current context.
readnonatomicassign |
The OpenAL context pointer.
readnonatomicretain |
The device this context was opened on.
readwritenonatomicassign |
The current distance model.
Only valid when this is the current context.
readwritenonatomicassign |
Exaggeration factor for Doppler effect.
Only valid when this is the current context.
readnonatomicretain |
List of available extensions (NSString*).
Only valid when this is the current context.
readnonatomicretain |
This context's listener.
readnonatomicretain |
Information about the specific renderer.
Only valid when this is the current context.
readnonatomicretain |
All sources associated with this context (ALSource*).
readwritenonatomicassign |
Speed of sound in same units as velocities.
Only valid when this is the current context.
readnonatomicretain |
Name of the vendor.
Only valid when this is the current context.